Monday 15 October 2012

Anti-Bullying Month

October is Anti-Bullying month.  We have spent a great deal of our time in September and October discussing what appropriate behaviour is at school, and what to do if someone bullies you.  We started the discussion by reading the story "One" by Kathryn Otoshi.  It is a wonderful book that talks about the importance of standing up to bullies, and that together we can all "count".  We created a chart promise to stand up for ourselves and for others, to not bully(only put ups, not put-downs), and to treat others the way we want to be treated.  We will say "No! I don't like it" to someone who tries to bully us first, and then if we have difficulty solving the problem ourselves, we will ask for help from an adult.

We also read "How Full Is My Bucket"  and discussed how we all have imaginary buckets that empty or fill depending on our interactions with others and our feelings.  We need to do kind things for others to make ourselves feel wonderful.  We wrote about ways to fill the "buckets" of others and therefore, our own.  1J students are bucketfillers!


  1. You are learning to be good friends to each other and to the rest of the world. It is so nice that October is Anti-Bullying month. We learned so much from your class about not bullying. We work on acts of kindness every day, too. We want to take a pledge like yours. We took a pledge when we created our classroom rules. The books you read look very good. Congratulations on learning how to fill everyone's buckets! You are making a difference every day!

  2. Thank you for your thoughtful comments Kind Kids! We try everyday to become better people, but sometimes it is difficult to do so. Just the other day, we needed a "reminder" that bullying just isn't hurting someone with your hands or calling names. We talked about how telling someone to do something "or they are not our friend" is another example of bullying, as it is manipulation. Bullying can also be ignoring someone, or refusing to talk through a problem. No one wins when we treat each other poorly. We will follow your example and continue to celebrate our kindness whenever it occurs. We hope you like the books and that you get a chance to read them! All the best,
